Monday, December 27, 2021

New coffee maker

Several weeks ago I told you about the weird and creepy coffee maker stalking incident. We still have no idea who sent us the unsolicited coffee maker but we were successful in returning it to Amazon. That left us with a credit on our account.

I also mentioned that we had ordered a new coffee maker from a different vendor. Well, I can tell you now that the new vendor failed to come through and we ended up cancelling the order.

Flash forward to last week and our old coffee maker really went into leakage mode and we were forced to make a decision.

We took a look at the offerings on Amazon and found the space shuttle of coffee makers - the Cuisinart DGB 900BC.

We really just wanted to replace the nice, simple, easy-to-use 10 cup "grind and brew" coffee maker we've had for the last 10 years but that appears to have been discontinued. This was the closest we could come.

Well, I have made several pots of coffee since the new one arrived and I can tell you that it has taken me at least 4 days to tune this thing in and get it to brew a pot of coffee that we actually like.

This mornings brew was pretty good but tomorrow is the big test. This morning I used the supplied "mesh filter basket" instead of paper filters but tomorrow I'll be using paper because the mesh filter tends to leave fine grounds at the bottom of the pot. If tomorrow's brew comes out good, that will be two acceptable brews and I will feel pretty comfortable with the process I have.

Wish me luck.

Another little necessity that arrived at my house was a much-needed grease gun.

I have spent that last few year keeping my machinery running by applying liberal amounts of spray-on grease. The problem is, that is not enough and my wife was nice enough to follow my suggestion and acquire a grease gun to put under the Christmas tree.

First warm day will see me lubricating the crap out of all my machines.

You can never have enough lube.

Hockey is still postponed so tonight will be a DVR-fest.

While I do that, you can check these out:

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