Friday, December 24, 2021


I did not expect to get 3 inches of snow this morning.

I know this is going to make me sound like I'm a lazy SOB but I broke out The Beast to clear off my driveway. Simply put, I didn't feel like shoveling and using the snowblower made quick work of the driveway. I put that thing in fourth gear and I was done in less than 15 minutes.

We got our last minute grocery shopping done this morning and I was a little shocked to discover that Stop & Shop had no ricotta. And by Stop & Shop, I mean the entire chain had no ricotta. At least, that was according to the stock guy we asked.

Fortunately, Big Y had some but how the hell does an entire grocery store chain run out of ricotta?

I got very little sleep last night so I'll be falling asleep early. Again.

This getting old shit is for the birds. I sleep in two hour blocks and usually only about 4 or 5 hours a night.

Then again, the alternative to getting old is getting dead so I'll stick with the old.

While I bitch about my age and lack of sleep, you can visit these links if you want:

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