Thursday, May 18, 2023

Another win

Bello pitched a good game and the hitters were hitting the ball well. They were hitting so well in fact that the game was in the eighth inning when I went to bed. I figured no sense in forcing myself to stay awake when the score was 12-3 and the Mariners didn't stand a chance in hell of overcoming that deficit.

They are off tonight so I'll have to find some other way to entertain myself.

No, "our" government still hasn't figured out how to work together and solve something as simple as paying our bills.

And when things come to a screeching halt, the only people hurt will be old people on Social Security, military personnel & their families and all the clerks that work in all the various government offices.

You know who won't be hurt? Congressmen, Senators and the President. They will all still receive their paychecks even though they didn't earn them.

They will receive their paychecks because of the 27th amendment that says:
    No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of representatives shall have intervened.

In other words, the only way to "vary" or change their pay is to have an election of new representatives.

Interestingly enough, the purpose of the 27th was to prevent a sitting congress from giving itself a raise. Instead, it now provides a way for them to get paid should the government fail to pay its debts.

We need to figure out what to do about dinner and I need to figure out what I'm going to watch tonight.

While I do all that figuring, you can visit these:

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