Friday, May 19, 2023

Long day

I spent rather large part of my day replacing a rotted door jamb at The Vets house.

That picture shows the hinge side of the frame after I had removed the rotted jamb. I did not take a picture of it after I had it all put back together. Trust me, it looks good.

After that it was grocery shopping and finally a stop at Texas Roadhouse to grab a bite to eat.

So that all means I did not do any newsing or webbing. I got nothing for you.

Tomorrow probably won't be any better because The Drummer and his Fiancé will be here in the afternoon. That means I need to get my lawn mowed in the morning so I can spend time with them.

My wife uses coconut baskets in her hanging plants.

Well, the Orioles have discovered them and are stripping the fibers out to make their nest.
(Yes, I know the picture sucks.)

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