Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Another game seven

The Rangers won last night, taking the ALCS pennant and moving on to the World Series. Turns out that was the big story last night. Turns out the big story is that the Astros have terrible fans who don't support their team.
It is kind of interesting that someone would spend thousands of dollars for a seat behind home plate only to leave well before the game was over.

In other baseball news, the Diamondbacks beat the Phillies last night, forcing a game seven in the NLCS. That game will be played at 8:00 tonight.

The World Series starts on Friday night with the Rangers as the home team.

Go Diamondbacks!

Yes, there is hockey.

The Bruins will play the Blackhawks at 8:30 tonight and I'm hoping to watch a at least the first period.

Here are some links:

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