Friday, September 20, 2013

Clinching is good

Yesterday, the Red Sox clinched a playoff spot. They haven't clinched the division yet but they are close.

Very close.

If they win tonight, they will clinch the division because there aren't enough games left in the season for anyone to catch them.

Hopefully they win tonight.


So we went out to Malden to see our eldest offspring and his new apartment. He's doing well and settling in nicely. Hopefully he cleans it up a little bit but since I don't have to live there, I don't really care.

On our way home, we decided to take a look some appliances and we ended up buying a new washing machine and a new dishwasher.

These were essential purchases because the washing machine no longer agitates our clothes and the Dishwasher suddenly developed a leak.

Delivery and installation is scheduled for this coming week and we will once again have clean clothes and clean dishes.


Here are a few links that I managed to scrape up:

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