Wednesday, September 25, 2013

So much for 100 wins....

The Red Sox just couldn't do it last night and as much as I'd like to blame Lackey for all the home runs he gave up, I can't. He actually pitched a pretty good game but the gods of baseball sometimes smile on the hitters and the Rockies were hitting last night.

He was picking the corners of the strike zone pretty well but they were simply swinging away and making good contact.

Oh well, they are still a full game ahead of the Athletics for best record. Hopefully they can hold on to that and start the post season with a few days off.


Attention website designers:
    The current dumbest thing you can do on your website is have video that automatically starts playing when the page is loaded. Autoplay is just plain stupid.
Stop it.


I think we should vote for King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands to be the next President of the United States. Unlike our current (and previous) president, he seems to have his head firmly located outside of his ass.

He seems to be paying attention to what is going on in the world. His phrase "participation society" is a great line and we should all embrace it. It clearly states we are a social species and if you want to be a member of it, you must participate.

In other words, get off your ass and do something to help yourself because it's not up to everybody else to support you.


Here are some links:

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