Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I hate being woken up at 2:00am

I was called at 2:00 this morning to resolve a problem at work. It took me about a half hour to fix the problem and that appears to be just long enough for my brain to say, "Well, we're up now! Might as well do something..."

I emptied the dishwasher, made the coffee, let The Dog out, watched bad television and basically wandered the house until 4:30 when my brain suddenly announced, "What the hell are we doing awake! Get your ass into a horizontal position right now!"

I fell asleep and the next thing I knew it was 8:00 and I was going to have to battle the damned school buses going to work.

I hate school buses.


It's been a couple of weeks since the CATO Institute released it's white paper that shows that welfare recipients in Massachusetts receive more money than the average median salary. For those of you that don't care for big words like "median", what they are saying is that in Massachusetts, welfare pays better than work.

So anyways, I've noticed that the media has stopped talking about this so I figured maybe I could bring it up again. Just to make sure we don't forget about it.

Key phrase in this story that explains the situation with a certain amount of clarity is: "Absent reform, this won’t end well."


I'm going to watch the Red Sox play the Tigers and fall asleep early. I'm hoping to make it to the fourth inning before I go unconscious but hopes are not high....

While I do that, you can click on these links:

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