Thursday, February 6, 2014

Back in the office today.

I managed to survive my drive into work this morning, despite the fact that the roads had a layer of slushy ice and a whole bunch of idiotic drivers.

At the intersection of Wilbraham and Breckwood, the moron in the rear-wheel drive Ford "Police Intercepter" (Well, that's what it said on the back of the car...) decided he needed to be the ahead of everyone else so he came up in what would normally be the right lane. Today, there was no right lane, just 4 inches of chunky slush.

When the light turned green, he hit the gas and proceeded to pirouette through the intersection.

It was fun to watch for those of us behind him but I'm pretty sure both the guy next to him and the crossing guard weren't all that thrilled. He almost swerved into the car next him and then over-corrected and headed straight for the crossing guard standing on the sidewalk.

Fortunately he took his foot off the gas, changed his underwear and decided to get in line like a good little boy and we all proceeded safely down Wilbraham Road to our respective destinations.


Speaking of the crossing guard, I'm going to write a letter to the head crossing guard and let him know that the guy working at Wilbraham and Breckwood is one seriously dedicated and excellent crossing guard.

When I was sitting at the light, waiting for the aforementioned show to begin, I watched the guard step into the road with a snow shovel (which I'm pretty sure is not standard issue for crossing guards) and start shoveling all the crap off the crosswalk so his charges would have a clear place to walk.

I thought that was pretty decent of him.


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