Sunday, February 23, 2014

Furniture moving day.

My daughter will be moving back in with us after she graduates. She will be living back home while she pursues her masters degree. Since she is moving back home, she and her mom decided it would be a good time to update her room.

Yesterday, they went shopping for a new bed and found what she wanted. They bought it and had it delivered today.

That means that I spent most of my day moving beds and assorted other furniture.

You see, my daughter got a new bed and that meant the two twin beds she had in her room were now considered surplus. One of them went in the room formerly occupied by my eldest which meant his old bed was now considered surplus.

That meant I had to haul two beds down into the basement to await their fate.

My back is killing me.


While I nurse my aching back, you can try these links out for size:

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