Sunday, May 22, 2016

First place is nice.

The Red Sox started the day one game behind the Orioles in the ALEast and finished the day tied for first with the Orioles in the ALEast after they defeated the Indians and the Orioles got their butt kicked by the Angels.

Now if the Orioles can continue losing and the Red Sox continue winning, it will be a good week,

Our youngest was home for a quick visit. He looks good, feels good and seems pretty damned happy to no longer have to be attending classes.

One thing he did in his last semester of school was take a wood tech class and apparently one of his projects was my birthday present, which he presented to me yesterday:

I love it!

It's made of ash, has a great heft & weight and feels like it could send a ball a mile. He hand-burned the label and aligned it with the grain so if I ever decide to use this bat, I'll be able to figure out how to hit with it without shattering it.

Here's a close up of the label:

The kid has a talent.

I feel like I should start playing baseball again but I'm afraid I'd damage it, or myself. Instead, I think we'll figure out how to mount it on the wall above the 30th anniversary picture collection our daughter put together for us last year.

That places it strategically near the door so I can use it to protect myself from those annoying and dangerous Jehovah Witnesses.

Here are a couple of links:

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