Wednesday, May 11, 2016

It was an outstanding day to fly.

I did ten more touch & go's today in conditions that were basically ideal for flying. There were some thermals rising off of I-91 during my approach but they were manageable and I successfully landed the aircraft almost every time.

I will admit that the instructor had to take over on at least one of the landings when I pulled up a little too soon and started to do what is called "porpoising". That is were the nose of the aircraft oscillates up and down due to an inexperienced pilot pulling and pushing on the controls in an attempt to land.

I also noticed that I had an audience today. A couple of cars were parked on a road just off the arrival end of the runway and the people were standing there watching my touch down. I'd like to think they didn't notice that I was a rookie who was sweating and flinching while trying to look like I had "the right stuff".

Trust me, I don't have "the right stuff".

It's not that I have the wrong stuff but I'd like it to be a lot righter than it is. That is where all this practice comes into play.

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