Thursday, May 5, 2016


Today was lunch with The Bills and my buddy Jim.

There are two Bills: One is retired and the other is really, really, really hoping to retire in the next few months. We have been getting together for a quasi-monthly lunch for the last few years and today was the day.

Also, much to my surprise, Jim decided to join us. Yes, he's retired but he's working part-time just so he doesn't lose his mind.

We always pick a different chain restaurant to go to. Sometimes it's Five Guys, sometimes it's The Backyard Bar & Grill and sometimes it's The 99. This month we decided it was time for some serious cholesterol and we went to Kentucky Fried Chicken for the infamous KFC Bowl.

To quote my wife when I told her this morning, "I can hear your arteries hardening..."

My response was, "Hey. I've managed to lose almost 15 pounds in the last month or so. I deserve big ol' bowl of cholesterol that's been deep-fried in a trans-fat."

Has anyone figured out who to vote for yet? Let me know because I'm still not seeing anything that makes me want to vote for either one of them.

With the Orioles losing to the Yankees last night and the Red Sox beating the White Sox, the Red Sox held on to first place in the ALEast. I was kind of amazed that the Red Sox won because the White Sox have been playing some seriously great baseball this season and they are the number one team in the American League.

Tonight Henry Owens will be pitching so I'm not sure what to expect. He is kind of 'streaky' and I'm hoping this is one of those nights where his tall, gangly body decides to work correctly and he throws smoke past all of the White Sox batters.

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