Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Once again, the clouds spoiled my fun

My instructor called me and cancelled today's lesson because the clouds were dropping below 1,100 feet.


To quote Joni Mitchell:
Hopefully I have better luck next week and the weather is more conducive to flight because I would really like to be able to solo after I get my medical.

Now that Donald Trump has secured the republican nomination, is it possible that the republican party will finally take a long hard look at itself?

I mean, let's face it, Donald Trump is caricature of a human being who got nominated by catering to the lowest common denominator. He appeals to the basic American mindset of people who are sick and tired of being told what to do and how to do it by their government.

The democrats represent a population of Americans that think the government should tell us how to behave and take care of us so they'll happily vote for Hillary Rodham (Surely you remember when Bill was president and she insisted that she be called Rodham.) Hell, some of them even think Bernie Sanders is a good choice.

The republicans however seem to have stepped in a big pile of shit called "The Tea Party" and they just can't seem to scrape it off their shoes.

As long as that faction continues to influence the party of Lincoln, we will have a federal administration controlled by the democrats.

Get ready for more taxes because I have a feeling that there is no way the majority of Americans will vote for Donald Trump. This means that the psycho Rodham will be elected.

My daughter started her journey to veterinary school today when she went to see her doctor and received the first of three rabies vaccinations.

Good for her.

Time once again for me to sit back and watch some baseball.

While I do that, here are a few links you might like:

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