Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Issues of the heart

It's been an interesting week for me:
    My aunt is in the hospital after suffering some heart stoppages due to an infection.

    My brother is going to be having heart surgery due to a childhood issue.

    My best friend had a heart attack yesterday and is in a medically-induced coma.
I've about had enough bad news.

I would like someone to give me some good news. I would like someone to say something like, "Hey Steve! A guy you went to high school with is opening an upscale dive bar down the road and he says he knows you and you can drink your crappy Budweiser there for no charge!"

Speaking of good news, I spoke with my finance guy this afternoon.

Despite the fact the economy is in the trash and the market is weaving & bobbing around like Mohamed Ali going up against Joe Fraser (look it up young people, look it up), my retirement accounts are surviving and I can actually look forward to a reasonably mediocre lifestyle.

And that, my friends, is really all I ever want when I finally decide to retire.

There will be baseball this evening.

The Red Sox are out in Missouri where the Missouri River is flooding but there is little or no rain predicted. Hopefully they will start the game at the scheduled start time of 8:10 this evening so I can maybe see a few innings before I fall asleep in my recliner.

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