Thursday, May 10, 2018

And they are home safe

Safe but not sound.

After they took the hit from the truck in Illinois, they managed to make it all the way to their hotel in Ohio. Once there, they noticed that the tire was going flat.

Seems that when the truck bounced off of them, he did some damage to the valve stem on the rear tire.

I can't say this enough - If you do not have AAA, you should get it.

The AAA guy swapped the flat with the donut and told them the tire was fine but the stem needed replacing, He recommended they just head down Walmart Auto Center in the morning so that is what they did.

$10.00 later, they were on the road.

And now we start the process of getting the car fixed.

As for me, I'm pissed that the Red Sox lost two games to the Yankees.

Also, I'm flabbergasted that David "Ow, My [insert body part here] hurts!" Price had a sudden bout of carpal tunnel the other day that prevented him from pitching against the Yankees but all of a sudden today he was fine and he threw a long bullpen session.

It was a freakin' miracle.

At least until the next time he has to face someone who intimidates him. Then it'll be back full force.

Now that my ladies are safely home, the Small Emergency Backup Dog is nestled in and the Large Main Dog is happy to have her, I can breath easy.

While I do that, you can click on these:

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