Saturday, May 12, 2018

They are slumping.

They lost two out of three to the Yankees and then they lost one to the Blue Jays. They should be winning all of those games, not losing them.

Hopefully they figure out what's going wrong and figure it out soon because the Yankees aren't waiting around for anyone. They are moving ahead at full speed.

My lawn is green and I feel as if I should be taking lots of pictures of it. After the drought we had two summers ago and the slow recovery last summer, this is pretty damned amazing.

Then again, we've had April snow followed by a lot of rain. Anyone who doesn't have a green lawn right now doesn't have a lawn.

The game is on right now and as I type this, the score is 0-0. Price seems to be over his case of carpal tunnel syndrome so maybe he'll pitch more than 5 innings and hopefully they win.

Now I'm going to feed everyone and watch the rest of the game.

While I do that, you can click these links:

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