Friday, May 4, 2018

Well, they stunk the place up last night

The Red Sox got their ass kicked by the Rangers last night. David Price looked like he was throwing batting practice to the Rangers and they were teeing off on him.

Oh well, hopefully tonight goes better.

My wife has managed to finish cleaning her moms house and she has selected a realtor. They met this morning and she was told that the house should sell in a reasonable amount of time.

I think my wife is just happy to be done cleaning the house and it's now in someone else's hands. Once the place sells, we can all take a deep breath and move on with our lives.

Pat has been heard from and he is still alive. Although I'm not entirely sure he is healthy.

Seems he had a little run-in with his kitchen floor and ended up spending a few days at Mercy while they ran a bunch of tests on him.

He passed his tests and they sent him home so I guess that counts as alive.

So now that were done with the cleaning and putzing, I can sit back and watch some baseball.

While I do that, you can do these:

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