Thursday, March 14, 2019

I'm not shocked or upset

The whole "rich people bribing other people to get their kid into a good school" thing should not be a shock to anybody and, too be honest with you, it probably shouldn't piss you off either. It's what rich people do. If you were rich, you would do the same thing.

What should piss you off is that the whole scam was based on a charity. That means the rich people were able to write-off the bribe as a charitable donation. In the long run, that really means that us taxpayers actually paid the bribe.

That pisses me off.

The Red Sox and the Tigers tied 4-4 today. I didn't pay any attention to the game because, well, I kind of forgot it was being played and I never checked in on the interwebs to see what was going on.

What can I say, I've always been a little forgetful.

You can click on these links if you want:

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