Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Irradiation Day

My doctor has me on some special program where every year, I go to Bay State Medical and they do a low power CT scan on my lungs. I guess that since I smoked for all those years, they want to keep track of my lungs and make sure I don't have some cancer or something.

Today was the day I went and got my fancy-shmancy CT scan. It was also the day I decided that I've had about enough of this.

When the results come back, I'll look at them and if they are same as the last two times I've done this, I'm going to say that's enough of this shit. I'm not going to get irradiated every year for no reason.

After I was done being lit up by a big machine, I planned on going to the airport to fly. Unfortunately, the wind was blowing pretty well up there. Combined with my time change exhaustion, I decided that trying to aviate was a bad idea.

Instead I spent a bit of time chatting with people up there and then visiting with my buddy Jimmy and his wife.

After that it was home to continue my quest to stay awake.

While I do that, you can check out these links:

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