Monday, May 13, 2019

I'm never going to be able to retire

Not a good day for the market:

On May 1st, the DJIA opened at 26,592. Today it closed at 25,324. That's a drop of 1,268 points. Another way to look at it is a drop of 5%.

That's 5% of my retirement account gone in a puff of tariff-infused air.

Thanks Donald. Thanks-a-freakin' lot.

In other news, the readers of this spewage have started using Firefox more than Chrome.

But what I found truly interesting is that during the past week, neither Edge nor Internet Explorer appear anywhere on the list.

On second thought, maybe I can explain it:

Firefox has taken over the usage lead because Chrome is trying too hard to be "the secure browser", Edge flat out sucks and Internet Explorer is a piece of shit.

Yea, that pretty much explains it.

No baseball or hockey tonight so I think I'll watch some DVRs. Maybe I'll binge watch "How the Universe Works".

Here are some links:

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