Monday, May 20, 2019

Not a bad day off

The Red Sox started a four game series against the Blue Jays this afternoon and they won.

By a lot.

Like 12-2 or something like that.

It was Prices first day back after a little stint on the DL (I know it's supposed to be called the IL. Sue me, I don't do well with change) for some elbow soreness and he pitched pretty damned well.

Also, it seemed like the batters were hitting the ball a ton.

Tomorrow Eduardo Rodriguez will be on the mound and I'm hoping he continues to pitch like he has been doing over the last few games.

It was too windy to go flying today but I'm not concerned about that. We have summer hours starting  in June and I'll be off every Wednesday. Hopefully the weather cooperates and I can get some air time on the weekends or on Wednesdays. I have a list of folks that want to go up with me and I won't take anyone unless the weather is perfect.

I also want to learn some new aircraft. I have two types I want to learn - tailwheel and complex.

By learning those two types, I learn new flying skills and give myself some new options. For instance, I want to learn tailwheel because landing a tailwheel teaches you a lot of skill as well as a better feel for the aircraft. I want to learn complex because that includes high power which means faster aircraft with retractable landing gear. That means longer flights in less time and I can get to the Cape in 60 minutes, Long Island in 45 minutes or Lebanon NH in about 30 minutes.

If my finances and the weather holds, I'll be a happy guy.

I wanted to bring up the Game of Throne thing but I have never seen it. I don't know anything about it except it is Days of Our Lives with swords.

I understand that it was a good show that featured a lot of intrigue, blood shed and full-frontal nudity but no car chases or baseball.

My son has it on his PLEX server so maybe I'll give it an episode a watch to see if it's something that interests me.

While I figure out what to have for dinner, you should visit these links:

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