Friday, May 31, 2019

Still burning that vacation time

Took a half day today and managed to get my lawn mowed. That means I have limited responsibilities this weekend and should be able to enjoy the upcoming family time slated for this weekend.

Baseball was postponed yesterday because of the weather. They'll play the game on August 3rd. As for tonight, it looks like they'll get the game in since there is no bad weather moving through or into New York City.

The Dogs are enjoying each other's company. It amazes me that they act like they were never apart despite the fact they haven't seen each other for more then 4 months.

The Large Main Dog is getting old and he doesn't move like he used to. The Small Emergency Backup Dog is no longer a puppy so she isn't constantly trying to bite his face off. She treats him with a level of care and gentleness.

Instead of biting his cheeks and ears, she licks him and lays next to him. Instead of trying to rush him away from his food, she stands quietly to the side until he finishes.

He is a good boy and she is a good girl.

I'm going to get some food and then watch some baseball.

While I do that, you can do these:

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