Friday, April 1, 2022

Grocery shopping is an adventure

Because there is problem with stores keeping items on their shelves, we have fallen into a habit of going to at least two, usually three, grocery stores in order to locate the items we want or need. This morning's weekly hunting expidition took us to Stop & Shop, Big Y and then another Big Y before we finally located everything we wanted.

I'm beginning to think I should just go to Costco and get everything I need there. They have all the stuff we like but we have to buy it in huge quantities. For instance, I bought coffee filters there the other day and I'm pretty sure I won't have to buy coffee filters again for at least a year.

Russia has accused Ukraine of attacking a fuel depot on Russian soil and the Russians are upset. President Vladimir Putin's spokesman said the incident "cannot be perceived as creating comfortable conditions for continuing the talks with Kyiv.

So let me see if I got this straight. The Russians have been bombing Ukrainian children, shooting Ukrainian elderly and raping Ukrainian women but now they are they shocked that Ukraine blew up some of their oil? As a matter of fact, not only are they shocked, they are in disbelief?

I'm inclined to believe the Ukrainians when they say they didn't do it because this seems like something the Russians would do to themselves so they can justify their continued rape and murder in Ukraine. They seem to be enjoying all the raping and murdering they get to do.

Having said that, I'm of the opinion that Ukraine should look into maybe tossing a few missiles into Moscow. Specifically, they should target the Kremlin when Vlad is in the house.

Then again, if Vlad the Insane is eliminated, the world might end up with someone even crazier in charge over there.

The Red Sox got their ass handed to them this afternoon by the Rays. The final score of the game was 9-3 and the Red Sox pitcher, Hill, did not have a good showing.

He was okay through two innings but in the third, the Rays hit the shit out of the ball and scored 6 runs.

Sure hope that doesn't happen during the regular season.

I'm gonna fire up the electric indoor grill and toss some steaks on it.

While I do that, you can do these:

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