Monday, October 1, 2012

I really need to mow my lawn.

Up until this year, I haven't really had to mow my lawn. My sons have mowed my lawn and I have enjoyed being the supervisor. Now that my youngest is in college, I have no one around who is willing to take over the job so that means I've had to start doing it myself.

When I started mowing the lawn again, the first thing I realized is that my lawn tractor has way too many safety features built into it.

Those are now gone.

The second thing I realized is that mowing my lawn without all those trees in the way is a lot easier then it was when I had trees.

And finally, the third thing I realized is that doing the trim is highly overrated.

So I don't do trim.


I believe I may have posted this story several months ago as an example of everything that is wrong with the welfare system in this country. The woman has absolutely no remorse or ethics when it comes to her welfare check. She exhibits no hesitation what-so-ever in her answers and that is simply because she expects her welfare check to be there, no matter what.

In her mind, it is her right and entitlement.

Well, allow me to point out that sometimes things have a way of working themselves out. Sometimes, what goes around comes around. Sometimes, you reap what you sow. Sometimes, Karma can be a real bitch.

Funny how that works....


Here are some links you might want to click on (And no, none of them are about that bieber girl puking on stage):

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