Saturday, October 20, 2012

The lawn is mowed.

There is no baseball today so I decided to do something productive like mow my lawn.

I kinda wish there was some baseball.


My neighbor also decided to mow his lawn. He got about three passes into it when it occurred to him that his lawn mower was not the best approach to picking up a layer of leaves that was about 2 inches thick.

He eventually gave up and corralled his kids into a work gang. They managed to get some of the leaves into piles but the wind was a bit too strong for them.

Bottom line in here is that his leaves are blowing all over the neighborhood and he knows it. Unfortunately, he was a day late and a dollar short to the show and now he's either got to learn how to do some work or hire someone to do it for him.

Something tells me that he'll get around to learning how to work a rake and a blanket real soon.


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