Saturday, June 4, 2016

He is floating like a butterfly

He was the greatest and he would tell you that every chance he got. Even after his body was destroyed by Parkinsons he remained a public man. He fought his disease as hard as he fought in the ring.

Back in 1996, he stood in front of the world, struggling mightily to hold his arms still long enough to light the Olympic torch in Atlanta.

He was a hell of an athlete and even though all the rednecks, hardhats and bigots of the world hated him when he changed his religion, changed his name and refused to participate in the Vietnam war, they all lined up to watch him when he fought Liston, Fraser and Foreman.

I'm not a fan of boxing but no one of my generation doesn't know who Muhammad Ali is and now, free of his disease, he is once again able to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.

Key idiotic and arrogant phrase in this story: "They're wrong, they're mistaken."

No Mr. Galvin, they are not wrong. They just have an opinion that is different than yours. That does not make them wrong. I don't like tomatoes but that doesn't mean I think people that like tomatoes are wrong. I use a windows device but that doesn't mean I think people that use Apple machines are wrong.

Unfortunately for both the democrats and the republicans, your fanatical, centric, prejudicial belief that anyone who doesn't agree with you is wrong is what is causing people to vote for someone who may very well be among the most egotistical and insane people on the planet.

Twenty thousand people left the Massachusetts democratic party and you assume it was because of Trump. I believe that 20,000 people left the Massachusetts democratic party because of arrogant "I'm right and you're wrong!" racists like Obama, Warren, Patrick, Kerry, etc... These are people who automatically assume that when someone says, "I don't want me hard-earned dollars being used to buy someone on welfare a cell phone!" they don't want to help their fellow man.

And for the record, yes I did call them racists. They hate hard working, tax-paying, blue-collar workers. And that is a race of people that is getting smaller and smaller by the minute. The next time someone says, "We must be doing a good job because unemployment is down!" I'm going to jam a rolled up newspaper down their throats. The government doesn't measure unemployment. It counts the number of people receiving unemployment benefits. When someone's benefits run out, they drop off the roles of the unemployed and the government gets to say, "See! We told you unemployment is down!"

Our current choices for president of the United States is either a former reality TV host or Monica Lewinski's ex-boyfriends wife and, to be honest with you, that sucks.

I feel as if I have been betrayed by every single politician in office and I'm not alone in that feeling.

In case you are interested, the Red Sox lost last night which put them once again, in a tie for first place with the Orioles. They won today but the Orioles are playing the Yankees and right now, the Yankees can't win a game to save their lives. This means that I'll wake up tomorrow morning to find that the Red Sox and the Orioles are still in a first place tie.

There is a sadness in the Boston media about the way the last four games have gone. I understand that everyone would like the Red Sox to win every game they play but you gotta admit, being in first place a third of the way through the season isn't a bad thing. It's actually a pretty damned good thing.

And based on how Dave Dombrowski handles this team (Anyone seen Pablo Sandoval lately?), it's safe to assume that he will make some moves or advance some youngsters to get the pitching staff back on track.

I have faith and you should too.

Here are some links to click on:

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