Friday, June 17, 2016

It's expensive to throw stuff away.

Today we disposed of a mattress, a box spring, a futon mattress and a small dormitory style refrigerator. It cost me almost as much to get rid of the items as it did to buy them.

Seems a bit excessive to me.

No flying today, just housekeeping.

I've taken to cleaning the house and while I'm not really good at it, I do manage to make a dent in the mess, which seems to make my wife happy.

It's always a good idea to make your wife happy.

My brother seems to be doing quite nicely after his recent heart surgery. His recovery is going along well and he says the pain seems to be gone.

The down side is that he isn't allowed to drive until late July.

The Red Sox are not doing all that great lately and everyone keeps blaming it on the pitchers. I gotta be honest with you, it's not the pitchers fault, it's the batters fault.

No one wins baseball games without stepping on home plate, plain and simple.

Here are today's links:

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