Sunday, June 26, 2016

My humble opinion

So the people of England decided that they didn't want to be part of the European Union anymore. I'm not seeing a huge problem with that decision.

Prior to the 1980s, all of the nations of Europe were on their own. There was no European Union, just sovereign nations, doing their own thing like negotiating treaties with each other, controlling their own borders, issuing their own fiat currency and trying to wipe each other off the face of the earth every 20 years or so.

When the European Union was formed, the English were slightly more than a little nervous about joining. Just 40 years prior, the Germans were sending flaming death rockets of flaming death into London and yelling things like, "Shwinehundt! You have do not have pointy helmets and you do not have lists of things like we do!"

Also, for as long as anyone can remember, the French had been thumbing their noses and saying snooty things like, "You English people are pale and your cheese does not have that superior blue mold in it like ours does. Also, we like to wave our stinky, unshaved armpits in your pale face!"

So when it came to joining the European Union, the English signed up for the bargain plan. They participated in the open borders part and they agreed to the elimination of tariffs but they did not jump on the currency conversion. They liked their sterling pound and didn't want to convert to the Euro.

Now, after 40 years of being told what to do by the European Union, the British have said, "Piss off you big wankers!" and they are now once again going to be a sovereign nation without any foreign involvement in how they run their country.

If they want to tell the Syrian refugees, "Hey! You guys are okay and you have really attractive woman! Come on in! We got plenty of room", they can.

If they want to tell the Syrian refugees, "Yea, right, like we want a bunch of unwashed foreigners wandering around. We've got enough problems with all those stinky French armpits coming over here through the Chunnel", they can.

So now, the British are heading back to the way they were in the 1970s which means maybe they'll re-open that Arthur Treachers fast food joint that used to be on Boston Road over where Zayres used to be.

I never shopped at Zayres but I liked the fish and chips at Arthur Treachers.

Enjoy these links:

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