Sunday, November 5, 2017

Time changes screw with me.

Back in another era of my life I traveled a lot between California and Massachusetts. I would leave from home on a Sunday afternoon, fly to LA or San Francisco, spend four days working on an office and then fly back on Thursday night/Friday morning. This usually happened at least once a month, sometimes twice.

I hated it.

I hated it because I was away from my growing family for a lot of time, leaving my wife alone to take care of the kids and the house.

I also hated it because the time zone changes screwed with me.

A lot.

I was constantly tired and my sleep schedule was screwed up fair-the-well.

Thankfully now-a-days I only have to put up with time changes twice a year.

And for the record, I do not miss sitting in a narrow silver tube with 200 pissed-off people for 7 or 8 hours, then spending 4 nights in a hotel room only to get back into a silver tube for another 7 or 8 hours.

I like the fact  that every weekday, I only have to drive for 20 minutes in the morning to get to the office and then another 20 minutes in the afternoon to get home again. And it's just me in the car, listening to sports talk radio.

The Patriots are on a bye week this week so my football watching was fairly limited. I do have a couple of Netflix DVDs to watch so maybe I'll put one of them in the machine and then swear at the fact I can't click through the 100 previews.

While I do that, you can think about the meaning of life while clicking on these links:

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