Sunday, September 9, 2018

Barack Obama needs to shut up

I blame Barack Obama and his faithful minions, Clinton, Pelosi, Reid, etc... for the Trump presidency. The reason the voters decided to vote for someone as insane as Donald Trump is because Obama pushed his special agendas on us and treated most of us like morons.

Now Obama has decided that he needs to continue pushing his agenda on us and I think it's going to result in more voters leaning towards Trump.

His recent speeches about the Trump presidency fly in the face of the tradition of the past president not discussing the current president's work.

When Obama was president, he repeatedly said, "I blame the previous administration for [insert problem du' jour here]!" yet Bush never once said a word about it. When he gave a speech, he never criticized or even mentioned Obama. When an interviewer asked him a direct question about Obama, he pointedly said that he wasn't going to talk about the president.

Obama needs to shut up and fade away like every other president before him or the people of this nation will turn against him and his agenda with even more insanity like, oh I don't know, maybe a second term for Trump.

Unfortunately, the democrats are probably going to run Elizabeth Warren in 2020 and that will also result in a second term for Trump.

Warren is a close-minded bigot who has no idea what it's like for most of us. She habitually insults & belittles people, thinks blacks are incapable of taking care of themselves, self-identifies as American Indian and assumes that if a person is white, they had privileges that allowed them to become a productive member of our society.

Remember when Clinton called half the nation "deplorable"? Yea, well Warren recently called every cop and prosecutor in the nation a racist. How do you think that's gonna play out come election time? Warren also claims that blacks are not capable of getting a state issued ID card. She says that if you are required to show ID at the polls, blacks will be excluded because they don't know how to get an ID.

I have been voting since 1976 and so far every vote I've cast has been for the lesser of two evils. Just once before I die, I'd like to find a candidate that I was happy to vote for.

The Patriots played today and in typical New England fashion, they bet the Texans. The final score was 27-20.

Brady looked good, as did Gronkowski. The offensive line held it's own against a strong Texan defense and gave Brady the time he needed to move the ball.

Now if the Red Sox can figure out how to beat the Astros, it will be a good day for us Massachusetts sports fans.

Of course, I won't know if the Red Sox won until tomorrow morning because once again those assholes at ESPN are carrying the game. That means it doesn't start until around 8:30 tonight and during the game, there will be much long-winded "chatting up" of Jessica Mendoza by Vasgersian and Rodriquez as they both try to verbally mate with her.

Those two need to stop trying to get into her pants. It's a bad look for ESPN and baseball in general.

You can click on these while I figure out how to stay awake to watch an inning or two of baseball:

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