Thursday, September 20, 2018

They got their ass kicked

Once again, Price was unable to pitch against the Yankees and the Red Sox got their ass kicked by the Yankees last night.

Despite his recent successes on the mound, his inability to pitch under duress leads me to have absolutely no faith in him for the upcoming post-season. You can see him mentally collapse the minute someone hits the ball and he never really recovers.

I am not convinced they are going to win the AL if they are planning on using Price in any high-pressure situations.

As for the rest of the team, they seem to be having trouble hitting the baseball. Games are not won by pitchers alone, it takes batters hitting the ball and crossing home plate to win a game. They aren't doing that.

But once again, I'm being a typical Red Sox fan and I'm sitting here expecting them to clinch the ALEast tonight by beating the snot out the Yankees tonight.

Well, the oven is harping at me so I guess my pizza's are done.

While I eat and watch baseball, you can do these:

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