Saturday, September 15, 2018

I almost wish I had flown today.

The weather today is better than it was yesterday. Not that yesterday was bad but there was no way I was going sightseeing. The cloud bases were right around 2,000 so staying in the pattern at 1,100 was really my only option.

Today I could have done both pattern work and some sightseeing.

Oh well. Fall is coming and that is when the flying is the best.

As for today, it was spent running errands and continuing the Great Basement Purge.

I'm kind of a hoarder when it comes to computer stuff. I save things because I think they might still have some use. I have bags of RAM, stacks of optical drives (CDs and DVDs) and piles of hard drives.

After sifting through all the crap I have, I can say with certainty that I'm pretty sure that no one is ever going to need those token-ring NICs, parallel cables, serial cables or 256meg hard drives I saved.

I threw a lot of things away today but I still have a bunch more to go through.

In the meantime, my wife is happy to see stuff getting tossed. After what we had to at her moms house, having to clean out 50 years worth of "stuff", she would like our kids to not have to go through that.

I agree with her.

The Red Sox got their ass kicked last night but they appear to be trying to make up for it this afternoon.

They are currently leading the Mets 5-3 in the 6th.

Try these links out:

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