Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Another day, another loss

The Red Sox managed to lose to the Twins last night because, well, once again, the bullpen imploded.

Oh well, we'll get 'em next year.

Goofy Joe and his ilk have decided that they, and they alone, can "save democracy".

The problem is that Goofy Joe and his ilk seem to think democracy is only for those that think like him and everyone else is a fascist.

Listen up Joey because it seems that in your advanced stages of senility, you may have forgotten the basic premise of a democracy. A democracy is in place when leadership is elected to office by the majority of the people, not just by those that think or act a certain way.

If the majority of the nation want to be part of the Trump Cult and act like assholes, then that is who they are going to vote for.

I'm still shocked that the best the democrats could put up for office in 2020 were candidates like Biden, Warren or Sanders. There are a lot of good democrats out there who would be far better candidates for office but all you can give us are "progressive socialists" who believe they know what is best for us.


And before you think I've suddenly become a republican, allow me to enlighten you. The republican party is just as f'd up as the democrats because in 2016, all they could come up with was Trump, Christy, Bush and Huckabee.


If, in 2024, my options are Biden or Trump, I'm going to have to abstain from voting. I've voted in every presidential election since 1976 but I can't bring myself to vote for either one of those twits. And voting for an outlier like the green party or the libertarians is a fools move. I did that once and vowed to never do it again.

Once again, it looks like I'm never going to be able to retire.

Yes, I'm going to watch the baseball game this evening.

No, I don't have high expectations.

While I do that, you can enjoy these links if you want:

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