Tuesday, August 23, 2022

I'm enjoying this rain

My neighbor yelled over to me this morning, "Looks like it's going to rain again today." I yelled back, "It can rain every day for the rest of the summer as far as I'm concerned. I've had more than enough hot sunny days."

Now if my lawn can recover enough to turn green in the places it survived, I'll know where the really dead spots are. I still have an ample amount of grass seed so it'll be a simple matter of scratching up the dead stuff, tossing the seed down and giving it a little shot of starter fertilizer.

By next spring, my lawn will look beautiful.

Well, at least until late June/early July when it will turn brown and die.

I'm not quit ready to write them off just yet but I am ready to say that I blame ownership for this teams woes.

Henry made it clear to Bloom that he did not want to pay the luxury tax and he wanted the payroll below the tax limit. That meant no moves during the off-season to pick up a free-agent pitcher who might have at least filled out the bullpen. It also meant no help when the injuries began to pop up.

I get it, no one wants to pay any additional taxes but if you want to win, you need to pay the salaries.

Then again, I've been a Red Sox fan since the 1960s. I'm used to saying, "Oh well. We'll get 'em next year."

Speaking of the Red Sox, they start a three-game series against the Blue Jays tonight.

If they lose this series, they can pretty much hang it up for season and try to become a spoiler & mess with the Yankees

Time for some dinner and baseball.

Enjoy these links:

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