Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Another loss

There are thirty nine games left to played in this season and right now, the Red Sox are seven games out of the wildcard.

In order to overcome those seven games, they need to win about fourteen of those thirty nine games and the four teams ahead of them all need to lose about fourteen of their games.

In other words, it's pretty much not gonna happen.

Here are the predictions from Fan Graphs for the American League:

As you can see, they are saying the Red Sox have a 4.2% chance of making the playoffs.

I'm still gonna watch them though...

Goofy Joe decided to "forgive" $10,000 in student loans for those folks earning $125,000 or less per year.

On the surface, this looks like a good thing but a little digging reveals that his forgiveness is gonna cost me money.

It's also gonna cost you money.

Someone needs to tell Goofy Joe that nothing is free. Everything he does costs someone money. Money that a lot of people don't have.

Several years ago, being the idiot that I am, I waited far too long to go see a doctor about severe stomach issues that I had been dealing with for a year or so. Once it got to the point where I was throwing up and couldn't stand up straight, my wife made me go to the doctor and I ended up in the hospital for 10 days. They took out my gallbladder and several inches of intestine that had turned gangrene. Trust me, it wasn't fun but that's not what I came here to tell you.

Two years ago, I began to experience severe pain and issues in my stomach and the first thought that crossed my mind was I had torn my innards open where they had sewed my intestines back together. Once again, I ended up in the ER where they did all kinds of tests and took numerous pictures of my innards. Once again, not fun but that isn't what I came here to tell you.

The MRI they did revealed scar tissue and lesions on my liver, my pancreas and my spleen. Most of them were identified as injuries from my robust and chaotic childhood but the one on the pancreas had them a little concerned.

Here we are two years later and my doc ordered a followup MRI to see if my pancreas had any changes. I went to Baystate Radiology on Monday, laid on a table and had my innards rigorously scanned by a giant magnet.

The results? I had a very active childhood and my external scars are not the only damage I did to myself. Apparently I did some damage to my innards and those scars all show up on these fancy scanners as "anomalies". There is nothing wrong with me or my pancreas and I've decided that the next time someone wants to take a picture of my innards I'm gonna tell them no.

I'm gonna eat some dinner and watch some baseball. Who knows, maybe they'll win.

You should check these out:

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