Tuesday, August 16, 2022

No working on the house today

I told my daughter my back needed a day off so we didn't do any work on her house today. Tomorrow will be spent finishing up some painting, replacing some ugly light switches and replacing the kitchen drains.

As for today, I spent it working and then relaxing while my back recovers. I also spent some time watching a baseball game from 2017.

I've been ignoring most of the bullshit being slung by Trump in his attempt to start a war with the FBI and the Justice Department. I posted a few links to stories but today he said something that kinda pissed me off. He said, "Wow! In the raid by the FBI of Mar-a-Lago, they stole my three Passports (one expired), along with everything else!

In the first place, it wasn't a raid. A raid is when one group of combatants attacks the base of an opposing group of combatants. Or, as the dictionary puts it, "a sudden attack on an enemy by troops, aircraft, or other armed forces in warfare"

In the second place, they didn't "steal" anything. They had a warrant that described what was to be searched and what was to be seized.

He is firing up his crazies in an effort to get them to behave like this is an attack on him and they should counter-attack.

His rhetoric has already cost two of his crazies their life and it's only a matter of time before one of them succeeds and they kill someone.

And before some of you get all twisted about how I'm beating up on Trump, I would like to point out that in my personal opinion, the FBI should never exist as a police organization. It should be an investigative organization.

As a nation, we do not need a federal police force. Between the city/town police, the county sheriff department and the state police, we've got more than enough police organizations.

The Red Sox are in Pittsburgh to play the Pirates. I think I need to send a few of my cousins some text messages...

While I do that, you can check these out:

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