Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Red Sox won! Again!

They beat the Yankees 3-2 in the 10th inning and that makes me a happy guy.

They're back at it again tonight and if they win, I will be unbelievably happy.

To be honest with you, I did not think they would win any of these games against the Yankees.

Today was spent doing work at my daughters house. We spent the entire day there and now my back is really pissed at me.

My wife spent the day painting and I spent the day doing handyman shit. I ran a circuit and installed a kitchen hood over the stove, I pulled the vanity and toilet in one of the bathrooms so she could lay her floor tiles and I patched the door jamb. I also put some molding around the fireplace so it looks a little more finished.

I have to go back tomorrow to sand & fill gaps where the patch meets the jamb and also check out a leaky kitchen sink. After that, I am done for a while.

My back is killing me.

Right now, I'm going to eat some leftovers and then watch some baseball.

Here are a few links you may find enjoyable:

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