Sunday, November 27, 2022

Day 1 of not Christmas shopping

The countdown begins of how many days I can go before actually doing any Christmas shopping.

My personal record was a few years ago when I managed to avoid doing any Christmas shopping until December 22. Trust me, that year kinda sucked because I ended up dealing with all the harried, stressed-out and pissed-off shoppers while trying to avoid the aforementioned feelings/attitudes myself.

Here's what I don't understand about the Chinese culture.

They have spent the last 80 years living under a repressive dictatorial regime that utilized every form of torture and death to maintain it's control without so much as a peep but tell them they have to stay home to avoid spreading a potentially dangerous disease and boy, do they get all pissed off.

Seems to me that they should be clamoring for things like the elimination of slavery, freedom of speech, the ability to travel, etc...

I don't get it.

There is no sports for me today.

In my football world, the Patriots don't play until Thursday and the Steelers don't play until Monday.

In my hockey world, the Bruins are off until Tuesday.

Fortunately, I do have some Gold Rush DVR's.

Here are some links:

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