Monday, November 21, 2022

Day one of Thanksgiving prep

Today was day one of our preparations for Thanksgiving. We made a trip to Costco to stock up on those items that are best purchased in bulk. We also picked up a nice roast while we were there because, in all honesty, Costco has pretty good cuts of meat so that's where we get it.

Now I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Roast? For Thanksgiving? What the hell!?!?"

Look, calm down. Our Thanksgiving is a two day affair. Rather than have family members stressing about whose house to go to on Thursday, we tell them that they can come to our house on either Thursday or Friday. Some will be here on Thursday for roast and such but the majority will be here on Friday for the traditional turkey and fixin's.

So anyways, tomorrow The Professor has to attend some meetings on campus so that is a non-prep day for us. Wednesday morning will be the trip to the grocery store to pick up the veggies and stuff.

I got an email from the town clerk informing me of the official results of the November elections in our town. I took a look at the spreadsheet and two things became clear:
  1. We have a good voter turnout in my town.
  2. Each party is pretty well represented.
There 11,187 registered voters in my town and 6,733 of us showed up to vote. That's a 60% voter turnout which is pretty impressive.

The best example of how we voted is the governor's race which played out like this:
    DIEHL and ALLEN (REP) 3,241
    HEALEY and DRISCOLL (DEM) 3,331
    REED and EVERETT (LIB) 81
    Blank 71
    Write-in Votes 9
Of note is the fact that 80 of us decided we didn't like either candidate and we left it blank or we wrote our own name in.

The Baseball Writers Association of America, or as I like to call them, "a bunch of guys who never played the game", have released the 2023 Hall of Fame ballot:
It's not a strong group. I will not be surprised if no one gets the requisite number of votes.

I'm going to make some food and then watch some hockey.

Here are some links:

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