Friday, June 28, 2024

The Yard Goats play some pretty good baseball

I watched the entire Fisher Cats @ Yard Goats game last night and I have to admit, it was a pretty good game to watch.

These are double-A teams, the Yard Goats is an affiliate of the Colorado Rockies and the Fisher Cats are an affiliate of the Toronto Blue Jays so I don't really know any the prospects coming up but they were still fun to watch.

The Red Sox are playing the Padres tonight ands that means not only is Xander Bogaerts in town, Don Orsillo is here as well.

I wish I had a way to listen to the Padres TV booth just so I could hear Orsillo. He is a funny guy.

If I remember correctly, the 2004 Red Sox team that finally broke the curse and won the World Series used to call him "Announcer Boy".

I watched a few minutes of the debate last night and, from what I could tell, one was lying to me and the other one had no idea what he was saying.

I've reached the point in my life where I'm afraid that I will never be given the opportunity to vote for someone I like and respect. Prior to this, I was always hopeful that one day before I died, someone would run for president that I would look at and say, "I like him/her. I'm going to vote for him/her."

Now, I don't think that is ever going to happen.

I'm going to eat some leftovers, put the ball game on tv and proceed to fall asleep watching it.

Here are a few links:

Thursday, June 27, 2024

No game last night

A very long line of storms decided that there would be no baseball game last night.

In the second inning, they pulled the players off the field and rolled out the tarp. My son asked me what was happening with the weather so I sent him this:

He sent me this:

After I turned my tv off and started to head up to bed, I got this notice on my phone

All-in-all, it was an interesting day...

The game has been rescheduled to the afternoon of August 26th when it will be the first game of a double-header. Hopefully my son and his wife will be able to finagle their work schedule so they can attend.

Tonight is the night when Biden and Trump will do their John Gustafson and Max Goldman impressions.

Since it's a rather obscure reference and most of you probably don't know who those characters are, they were portrayed by Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau in the movie Grumpy Old Men. If you've never seen it, you should find a way to watch it.

So anyways, at 9:00 tonight, Goofy Joe and Donny the Felon are going to debate each other. And by "debate", I mean they are going to rudely interrupt each other and call each other names.

As for me, NESN+ is carrying a double A game this evening. The New Hampshire Fisher Cats are in Hartford to take on the Yard Goats.

I figure watching double A baseball is more entertaining than watching those two boobs make fools out themselves.

Here are some links you might find entertaining:

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Terrible loss last night

The pitching sucked and the fielders made three errors.

Bello faced fourteen batters over 2⅓ innings, giving up 7 earned runs, walking 3 and striking out 2. Add to that pile of crap the fact that the fielders managed to commit three errors and you have the makings of a 9-4 loss.

They are back at it again tonight with Crawford getting the start. His last start was five days ago when they lost to the Reds. He did not have a terrible outing but, as often seems to be the case this season, the fielders committed three errors.

My youngest will be at tonight's game and he is hoping to see a win. I will be on my couch, hoping to see a win.

The much-talked about presidential debate is scheduled for tomorrow evening and I can assure that I will not be watching it.

Well, I might watch a bit of it, just to see what crazy shit comes out of their mouths.

I posted this back in 2016 and I believe it is just as appropriate today so I updated it:

Here are a few links:

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Eckersley coined the phrase "Walk Off".

Dennis Eckersley called any hit that caused a team to come from behind and win a game in the last inning a "walk off". He was once asked what he meant by that and his reply was, "It's the lonely walk off the mound that the losing pitcher takes back to the clubhouse after losing the game."

Last night, Blue Jays pitcher Zach Pop got to take the lonely walk off the mound.

The Red Sox took a beating in the seventh inning when the Blue Jays hit a grand slam and made the score of the game 6-2. It did not look good for the Red Sox but they kept plugging at it and by the eighth inning, they had managed to tie the score 6-6.

Then, in the ninth, I sent my youngest, who was working and unable to watch the game, the following string of text messages:

That, my friends, is a walk off

Tonight's game is at 7:10 and Bello has the mound. That makes me nervous because he hasn't been on the top of his game over the last few weeks. Hopefully that changes tonight.

Speaking of sports, the final game of the Stanley Cup was played last night and the goddamned Panthers, who I dislike, won.

Oh well. the 2024-2025 season starts in about 110 days...

It appears that Donald I won in 2020! Trump has established a very unique debate approach...

The Red Sox have won 3 games in a row and that constitutes what is known as a winning streak.

Time to make some dinner and then see if they can continue their streak.

Here are some links:

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Nice win yesterday

The Red Sox were behind for almost the entire game yesterday but they managed to grab a one run lead in the eighth. They held on to that lead, winning the game 4-3.

It was a great game but what I really wanted to point out is that win pushed them to within half a game of the wild card

Todays game started at 1:45 and it's a bullpen day. Zach Kelly was the opener and he made it through 2⅔ innings which is pretty good for a bullpen guy.

The rest of the bullpen did pretty well. Bernardino gave up one earned run and Keller gave up three earned runs but the other five guys held the Reds off and the final score of the game was 7-4.

The Red Sox won the series against the Reds but just as important, the Royals lost to the Rangers. This means the Red Sox are now the third wildcard team in the AL and if the season ended right now, they would be in the playoffs.

Now they are heading back to Boston where tomorrow they will start a three-game series the Blue Jays

Hey! Guess who's under a tornado watch!

While I hope I don't have to use it, I've moved my generator so I can have it set up and running in just a few minutes. I have at least ten gallons of fuel so I should be able to run it for a couple of days before I have to get more.

Let's all hope I don't have to use it...

Time to watch some golf and make some dinner.

Here are some links:

Saturday, June 22, 2024

The winning streak came to an end last night

The Red Sox lost to the Red slast night, getting beat 5-2 because they can't stop commiting freaking errors.

They commited 3 errors last night that definitely resulted in 2 unearned runs but more likely it was 3 unearned runs.

Todays game started at 4:10 and Pivetta had the start.

At 3:15 this afternoon, it started getting very dark and I checked the doppler radar. It showed a large red blob heading our way so I decided to see what the temperature drop was going to be.

I took this picture at 3:25, just before the storm arrived:

The storm was past us about 10 minutes later. I took this picture at 3:36:

A seven degree drop in eleven minutes.

Then I decided to take a look at the convective activity predictions and I found this little beauty:

Yay! There is a 5% chance we will see a tornado tomorrow!

Welcome to summer in New England...

And yes, I remembered to change the batteries in my outside temperature sensor.

Time to grill up some steaks and watch the rest of this baseball game.

Enjoy these links:

Friday, June 21, 2024

Cincinnati is in our time zone!

That means tonight's baseball game starts at the decent hour of 7:10 instead of some ungodly hour like 8:00...

Crawford has the start tonight. His last start was against the Yankees on Sunday and he managed to go six innings, striking out nine, walking one and giving up only two earned runs. If he can do that again, it will be a good night.

The lineup has not been posted as of now (3:00pm) so I have no idea if Abreu is back with the team or still in Worcester. He played in Worcester last night but not for all nine innings. I believe he left that game in the fifth or sixth inning.

I have no pictures of the fancy thermometer for you today because I forgot to take one when the temp was above 90°.

Trust me, it went above 90° here today.

Or as I like to call it, "Holy shit, it's hot"...

Time to figure out dinner and then watch some baseball.

Enjoy these:

Thursday, June 20, 2024

It's official

My little piece of the world has had its first official heat wave.

If three days of 90+ temps constitutes a heat wave, what do we have tomorrow when it's above 90? A heat wave plus?

Also, according the the weather dweebs, we are gonna get our ass kicked.

The Red Sox completed the sweep of the Blue Jays last night, beating them 7-3, and moving to one game out of the wild card.

I'm not going to say that Bello pitched well because he had me more than a little nervous a few times but in the end, he faced 28 batters over six innings, gave up two earned runs, walked two and struck out six. All things considered, it was a decent outing.

They are off today while they travel to Cincinnati where tomorrow they will start a three-game series against the Reds. Fortunately, NESN is carrying the Worcester Red Sox game this evening so my entertainment is all set.

Hawkeye has died.

I've been trying to find a movie that he was in that was not a good movie and I just can't seem to find one.

He was great in M*A*S*H, fantastic in Kelly's Heroes, wonderful in The Dirty Dozen and his performance in Animal House was underrated.

I have always thrown the line, "Always with the negative waves Moriarty!" whenever someone is complaining about something.

Rest in peace, Oddball.

Time to toss some burgers on the grill and settle in to watch the Worcester Red Sox game.

You should check these out:

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A bit warmer

I sent my youngest son yesterday's picture of my thermometer showing the temperature. He informs me that I have a "fancy thermometer" so that is what it will be called from now on.

Here's today's picture of the fancy thermometer:

And now that I look at it, I see I need to replace the battery in the outside sensor.

Donald "I'm a billionaire! Send me your money!" Trump has been replaced as my favorite spamer by "Medical Scientist Clint Winters!"

I wonder if he always spells his name with an exclamation point...

The Say Hey Kid has left us.

The man played baseball for 25 years, from 1948 until 1973, and he played it very, very well.

During the 1954 World Series, the Giants were playing the Indians and Mays made what is simply known as "The Catch".

To say that making an over-the-shoulder catch is difficult is an understatement. To say that making an over-the-shoulder catch while running at full speed towards a wall is impossible is accurate but Mays did it.

He did the impossible.

Speaking of baseball, the Red Sox took game two of their three-game series against the Blue Jays last night, beating them 4-3.

They are now two games out of the wild card which gives me hope.

Today's game is once again at 7:07 and Bello has the start. His last few outings have not been great but today's a new game. Hopefully he has figured things out and pitches like we all know he can.

Enjoy these links:

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

A bit warm.

It got up to 95° outside my house today but inside it stayed a nice 72° inside.
Yes, I know the indoor temp indicates 77° but that sensor is leaning against an outside wall with the sun shining directly on it. Trust me, there are two thermostats in my house and they both agree that it's 72° inside.

Tomorrow is supposed to be even worse.
I'm not sure I agree with the word "excessive" but then again, I spend my days sitting in an air conditioned house so what the hell do I know

The Red Sox took game one from the Blue Jays last night, beating them 7-3.

Pivetta faced 29 batters over seven innings, striking out seven, giving up five earned runs and walking zero.

Houck has the start tonight. First pitch is at 7:07.

No, I have no idea why the start time is 7:07. It's Canada. They do things differently up there.

We had a murder/suicide in town this morning.

No information is available but I will never understand how anyone can kill their family members and then commit suicide.

Apparently, for a brief period today, we were unable to call the cops.
My long deceased dog appears to be concerned...

Time to fire up the grill and go face the heat.

Enjoy these links:

Monday, June 17, 2024

I forgot.

Oops, I forgot to post something earlier and since it's currently late, I don't have much for you.

What I do have is the Red Sox won last night, taking the series from the Yankees.

The Red Sox won again tonight, beating the Blue Jays 7-3 in the first game of their three game series.

I did manage to get my lawn mowed this morning which is good because if the weather dweebs are right, the next four days we're going to enjoy temps between 90° and 100° with high humidity. Not the kind of weather I want to be doing yard work...

Today was nice and we did not have to run our AC but once the humidity rolls in tomorrow morning, I suspect we'll be firing them up and locking down the house.

Here are a few links:

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Excellent win last night

The Red Sox beat the Yankees 8-4 last night and it was a great game to watch.

Criswell started the game and he pitched pretty well. He faced 17 batters through 4 innings, giving up 2 runs and striking out 6 before Cora felt it was time to take him out. The rest of the bullpen stepped up and continued pitching a great game.

Tonights game is on ESPN and it turns out I was wrong yesterday. Rodriguez is on both FOX and ESPN which means I might have to put up with his bullshit tonight.

Maybe I'll turn the sound off on the TV and put on the WEEI audio stream on my laptop. That way I can watch the game and not have to listen to the ESPN guys fawning all over the Yankees

In the world of golf, I spent this afternoon watching the Meijer Classic and it was an excellent match to watch. Lexi Thompson, Lilia Vu and Grace Kim ended up in 3-way playoff which Vu managed to win when she dropped a birdie on hole three.

I wish I could play golf like those women do because the big difference between mens golf and womens golf is the drive distances. Men can hit the ball a ton but the women rely more on their short game - the irons, wedges and putters.

I'm not good with my driver but if I could improve my short game, I might actually start playing well enough to keep score.

Who am I kidding. If I started keeping score, it would only remind me of how bad I play.

Time for some dinner and then some baseball.

Enjoy these links:

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Not a good start

Bello did not have a good outing last night, facing 23 batters over 4⅔ innings, walking three while giving up four earned runs.

The Red Sox lost 8-1 and are now three games out of the wildcard.

Criswell has the start tonight and it would be nice if the batters gave him some run support.

The US Open is in full swing and at the same time, the LPGA Meijer Classic is being played. This is Lexi Thompson last season as a professional golfer and too be honest with you, I'd rather watch her play than watch the Open.

Unfortunately, the Golf Channel has decided to spend more time interviewing the food sponsors about what they are serving than they spend showing golf. They lost me after the third interview about "how marvelous the desserts are"...

If I want to watch food, I'll put on the All-Guy-Fieri-all-the-time Channel.

We had to buy a new washing machine this past Thursday and it arrived today.

I'm pleased to say that we once again have clean clothes.

It's nice having clean clothes.

Tonight's baseball game is on FOX and I'm okay with that because Rodriguez is no longer in the booth. Also, the games on FOX no longer start at 8:00pm.

I can at least tolerate Smoltz as the color commentator and having the game start at 7:00 (Well, 7:30 after they get through talking about how cool they are) means I'll be able to watch the entire game.

Here are some links:

Friday, June 14, 2024

They won the series!

The Red Sox beat the Phillies 9-3 last night, taking two of the three games in their series! Based on the fact that the Phillies are the best team in the NL, this is kind of amazing.

Houck pitched very well. He faced 27 batters over going six innings, giving up three earned runs, zero walks and striking out five. Keller came in in relief and finished up the last three innings. This menas the bullpen will be nice and rested for the Yankees.

Tonight is the start of the Yankees series. First pitch is at 6:30 and Bello is on the mound. I'm really hoping he has his act together because his last few outings have been less than good. He lost his last outing against the White Sox when he face 25 batters over four innings, giving up five runs and walking three.

The SCOTUS has ruled that the federal ban on machine guns cannot be used to ban bump stocks.

If you don't know what a bump stock is, it is a device that you can attach to the shoulder stock of a semi-automatic rifle that makes that rifle fire at a high rate of speed. It effectively makes a semi-automatic weapon a fully-automatice weapon.

I personally can think of no reason to own a bump stock. I have no desire to send hundreds of rounds down range. This is specially true when each round costs about $1.50.

No sir, the only reason I can think of to use a bump stock is when you want to shoot tens or even hundreds of targets over a large area. Since I don't want to shoot numerous targets, I don't need a machine gun.

I'm going to watch the Red Sox hopefully defeat the Yankees.

You can check these out:

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Nice win last night

The batters hit the ball and the base runners advanced to home plate. This meant the Red Sox beat the Phillies 8-6 last night.

Pivetta did not have his usual stuff and as a result, he only made it through four innings, giving up 6 hits and 4 earned runs. The bullpen did have their stuff and they went five innings giving up only 3 hits and 2 earned runs.

Houck has the start tonight and hopefully he has his usual stuff. The Phillies have proven they are beatable and it would be nice if the Red Sox won the series.

Not much else to say and it's game time.

Here are some links that you can click on while I watch baseball:

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Phillies are a good team

It was made very clear that the Phillies are a team to be concerned about when Kyle Schwarber hit a home run on the first pitch of the game.

It didn't get any better from there and the Red Sox did not help themselves one bit by giving up two unearned runs on errors.

The game ended with the Phillies winning 4-1 and sending the Red Sox back below .500.

They are still only two games out of the wild card but they need to stop commiting errors and they need to step on homeplate more than they are.

I guess we'll see what happens tonight now that O'Neill is back in the lineup. I'm hoping for a win because I would not like to see them get swept...

If you ever used one of these things, you are old like me.

My father had one of those and since I was his designated lawn mower minion, I got to use it a lot.

There is a reason why you don't see them anymore - they kinda sucked.

Enjoy these links:

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Yoshida is back

With the return of Yoshida to the roster, the Red Sox have DFA'd Garrett Cooper

Not sure what the Red Sox expected from Cooper but I did not see him doing much. He struck out a lot and his fielding wasn't spectacular.

I don't expect him to take an assignment to Worcester which means he will become a free agent. Then again, he just might decide to hang out with the Worcester Red Sox for the remainder of the season in the hopes of improving his chances of landing on another team next season.

Tonight they start a three-game series against the Phillies, the number one team in the National League. After that, they play a three-game series against the Yankees, the number one team in the American League.

It's going to be a tough six days...

Hunter "I don't do drugs! This? Oh this is just a piece of rock candy" Biden was found guilty of lying on his application to buy a gun. His dad, Goofy Joe, made the statement the other day that he would not pardon his son if he was convicted of a crime.

I just want to say out loud that if I am ever elected president and one of my kids get's convicted of a crime, you can bet your last dollar that I will pardon them. They're my kids for cripes sake and if I have the power to get them out of trouble, I'm going to do it.

Another point I would like clarification on: Does Trump still think the justice system is "rigged"? Does he accept the guilty verdict for Biden but continue to reject his own conviction?

Inquiring minds want to know...

Can someone explain to me how the president of France can simply tell the French parliament that they are all fired? What kind of government lets one entity dissolve another entity?

Imagine if we had that here. Trump would have constantly fired all the congressmen and senators until he got a room full of Marjorie Taylor Greene's.

Enjoy these links:

Monday, June 10, 2024

No baseball today

The Red Sox remain 1½ games behind the Twins in the wild card race and I suspect that tonight, they will be 2 games behind. The Twins are playing the Rockies and the Rockies kinda suck so the Twins will probably win.

As for the injuries, it looks like Devers is planning on playing tomorrow. No news on O'Neill but the Red Sox have not put him on the IL which is a good sign. Yoshida played in Worcester yesterday and he had one hit, one walk and struck out twice over four at-bats. The Red Sox anticipate he will rejoin the team sometime this week.

I would love to see the Red Sox get on a win streak during the month of June. The All Star break is July 15-19 and they need to rack up wins prior to then just in case their traditional "post-all-star slump" happens.

Game two of the NHL playoffs are on ABC this evening so maybe I'll watch some of that. Go Oilers!

My plan today was to trim back 3 or 4 of the large bushes along our side yard but that didn't go as I intended. Instead, we ended up trimming 8 or 9 of them.

Then we ended up digging the grass out around them and putting down some mulch.

Sometimes things don't go as planned. Fortunately we still have plenty of ibuprofen.

Enjoy these links:

Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Red Sox just can't catch a break.

During yesterdays loss to the White Sox, Devers came out in the middle of the game with some soreness in his knees. This is exactly what happened with O'Neill the other day.

Here's the problem - with all the other injuries they have, they only had four players in reserve on the bench. At some point, they rotated their two healthy bench guys in, with Cooper going in for Smith at first and Westbrook going in for Valdez at second. This meant the two players on the bench Devers and O'Neill, the two guys with the bad knees.

Thanks goodness no one got hurt in today's game...

Today's game did not look good for the Red Sox with the White Sox leading 4-3 up until the ninth inning. That was when the Red Sox bats came to life and they managed to tie the game 4-4, forcing it into extra innings.

Then, in the tenth, the Red Sox rattled off two quick runs, making the score 6-4.

Boozer came in in the tenth and he was able to stymie the White Sox bats. The game ended with the Red Sox winning 6-4.

Unfortunately, it also means the Red Sox split the series against a team they should have swept.

They are off tomorrow while they travel home to Boston. On Tuesday, they will start a three-game series against the Phillies.

Time for some clarifications:
  • There is no proof that the universe was once a single point that suddenly exploded in a "big bang". It is just as likely that the universe was an infinite sea of energy that was in equilibrium. Some bit of energy within that sea suddenly interacted with another bit of energy and that started a chain reaction resulting in matter being produced from the energy. No one knows for sure what happened at the beginning.

  • "Dark Energy" is not real. The term dark energy is used by scientists as a way to explain the unexplainable expansion of the universe. No one knows for sure what is causing the universe to expand.

  • The belief that time did not exist before the "big bang" could be true or it could be bullshit. No one knows for sure if there was time before there was matter.

  • Scientist that are working on solving the mysteries of the universe are a hell of a lot smarter than me and everything I just wrote is my opinion. I have no education in the area of astrophysics, physics or any other scienceee stuff.

This has been some clarification. Please ignore it.

NESN+ is running a Red Sox / Angels game from 2013 so maybe I'll watch that. Or maybe I'll watch some DVRs.

Enjoy these few links:

Saturday, June 8, 2024

A loss.

The White Sox broke their losing streak last night by beating the Red Sox 7-2. The Red Sox continued their streak of injuries when Tyler O'Neill left the game with a knee problem.

It was only a matter of time before the White Sox won a game and it's too bad they decided to do it against the Red Sox.

Fortunately, the Red Sox remain 1½ games out of the wild card because the Pirates beat the Twins last night.

As for today's game, it started at 4:10 and O'Neill is out of the lineup. So far, it is the 4th inning, the score is 0-0 and the Red Sox have left runners in scoring position in 3 of the 4 innings.

I'm going to watch the rest of this game.

You can check out these links:

Friday, June 7, 2024

One and a half games

With last night's Redx Sox beat down of the White Sox (14-2) and the loss by the Twins, the Red Sox are now 1½ games out of the wild card.

Again, this gives me hope.

I spent time with some folks today.

Lunch with the Romeos went from noon until 2:00 and then helping Tommy fix a problem with his LAN from 3:00 to 5:00.

That means I didn't spend a lot of time on the internet.

Here's what I got for you:

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Two and a half games

I just wanted to point out that the Red Sox are only 2½ games out of the wild card.

This gives me hope...

Is it just me or does anyone else think he has some form of brain damage?

I have an hour to kill before baseball. Maybe I'll read my book.

You can enjoy these links:

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A loss and a win

The Red Sox and the Braves split their two-game series.

The Braves beat the Red Sox 8-3 last night while the Red Sox beat the Braves 9-0 this afternoon.

The Red Sox remain at .500 despite yet another member of the team going on the IL. This afternoon the Red Sox activated Tyler O'Neill but they placed Chris Martin on the IL.

At some point, they need most of the team actually playing baseball. If you look at the twelve players on the IL that I posted yesterday, you would say, "Wow, that's a pretty good baseball team!"

The Red Sox are on their way to Chicago where tomorrow they will start a four-game series against the worst team in the American League, the White Sox.

I gotta admit, I'm genuinely concerned that the White Sox will suddenly come to life and beat the Red Sox. Sure hope I'm just being paranoid...

Since Chicago is in the Central time zone, two of those games will start at 8:10pm. That means I probably won't be awake to see all nine innings of those particular games.

Ever since the government took down that big botnet, my spam has decreased. A lot. And I haven't gotten anymore Trump "donate to me" emails.

What I have gotten is this:

What interest could the French possibly have in either my colon or my poop?

He just can't stop talking about it...

I still have DVRs so I'm good for entertainment this evening.

My lawn has been mowed so I'm good for the rain over the next few days.

I still have half a bottle of ibuprofen so my back should be okay for golf with the gents next week.

Enjoy these links:

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

More baseball news and opinion

Yesterday, it was reported that a major league ball player had been given a lifetime ban from baseball for gambling. Several others have been given one year suspensions.

This ban is coming from an organization that is actively promoting gambling on a nightly basis.

During every baseball game, I see at least four or five commercials from online gambling places like BetMGM, FanDuel or DraftKings.

Hell, NESN, ESPN and MLB all have segments of their pregame shows dedicated to wagering.

As a matter of fact, NESN provides all the information you need to gamble as does ESPN.

My point is that MLB, along with their affiliated broadcast partners, is deeply involved in the world of gambling nd I personally think it's kind of hypocritical of them to punish a player.

Speaking of baseball, the Red Sox injury train just keeps on rolling with Abreu springing his ankle walking back into the dugout.

Seems like every week, one new player goes on the IL while none come off.

As of today, the list of players from the 40-man roster that are currently on the IL contains 12 players:
    Isaiah Campbell, Lucas Giolito, Liam Hendriks, Bryan Mata, Garrett Whitlock, Triston Casas, Romy Gonzalez, Vaughn Grissom, Trevor Story, Wilyer Abreu, Tyler O'Neill and Masataka Yoshida
That is ¼ of the roster...

This struck me as entertaining:

I can't figure out what the hell he is saying he is going to do...

Here are some links:

Monday, June 3, 2024

No baseball tonight

I have plenty of DVRs to watch so I'm not going to be bored this evening.

Not much interesting going on. Trump is still a convict, Biden's kid is about to become a convict and no one seems overly concerned that our country is a political mess.

Oh, and the stock market has no idea what it's doing.

Got nothing else for you.

Here are a few links:

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Another win

The Red Sox beat the Tigers 6-3 yesterday, giving them a 2-1 lead in the series.

This afternoon's game didn't go as well...

The Red Sox had a 3-0 lead through the first four innings. The Tigers got a run in the fifth, another run in the sixth and then two runs in the seventh. This made the score 4-3 in favor of the Tigers.

In the eighth, Devers hit a home run, tying the game 4-4.

Then, in the tenth inning, Booser came in to pitch and the Tigers managed to put 4 runs on the board that the Red Sox were unable to overcome.

The game ended in the tenth with the Tigers winning 8-4 and splitting the series 2-2.

No baseball for the Red Sox tomorrow but on Tuesday, the Braves show up in Boston to start a quick 2-game series.

I wonder what was so hard about it. Was it listening to the porn actor talk about banging her husband or the constant "I'm Innocent!" rant's from her husband?

I'm not sure what I think of that woman but I do know that her husband, Donald "Grab 'em by the posse" Trump is an asshole who seems to regard women as objects for his amusement. I can't imagine what it's like to be her...

I'm going to watch the LPGA Women's US Open. Andrea Lee is making a run at Yuko Saso and it looks like she stands a good chance of overtaking and winning.

Enjoy these links:

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Good win

The Red Sox beat the Tigers 7-3 last night.

Houck pitched well, facing 28 batters over 7 innings, giving up 1 earned run, walked 2 and struck out 6.

The batters did just as well, driving in those 7 earned runs over 12 hits.

Today they seem to be doing just as well.

Criswell started the game and made it through 5 innings, giving up only 1 run.

The game started at 4:10 and it is currently in the 8th inning. The score is 6-1 in favor of the Red Sox

In third world countries, judges are murdered by thugs, jurors are hunted down & executed by gangs and politicians & their families are assasinated by extremists and rivals.

It's beginning to look like Trump and his cult are trying to turn the United States into a third world country.

I'm going to watch the rest of this ball game.

Enjoy these links: