Friday, June 21, 2024

Cincinnati is in our time zone!

That means tonight's baseball game starts at the decent hour of 7:10 instead of some ungodly hour like 8:00...

Crawford has the start tonight. His last start was against the Yankees on Sunday and he managed to go six innings, striking out nine, walking one and giving up only two earned runs. If he can do that again, it will be a good night.

The lineup has not been posted as of now (3:00pm) so I have no idea if Abreu is back with the team or still in Worcester. He played in Worcester last night but not for all nine innings. I believe he left that game in the fifth or sixth inning.

I have no pictures of the fancy thermometer for you today because I forgot to take one when the temp was above 90°.

Trust me, it went above 90° here today.

Or as I like to call it, "Holy shit, it's hot"...

Time to figure out dinner and then watch some baseball.

Enjoy these:

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