Thursday, June 20, 2024

It's official

My little piece of the world has had its first official heat wave.

If three days of 90+ temps constitutes a heat wave, what do we have tomorrow when it's above 90? A heat wave plus?

Also, according the the weather dweebs, we are gonna get our ass kicked.

The Red Sox completed the sweep of the Blue Jays last night, beating them 7-3, and moving to one game out of the wild card.

I'm not going to say that Bello pitched well because he had me more than a little nervous a few times but in the end, he faced 28 batters over six innings, gave up two earned runs, walked two and struck out six. All things considered, it was a decent outing.

They are off today while they travel to Cincinnati where tomorrow they will start a three-game series against the Reds. Fortunately, NESN is carrying the Worcester Red Sox game this evening so my entertainment is all set.

Hawkeye has died.

I've been trying to find a movie that he was in that was not a good movie and I just can't seem to find one.

He was great in M*A*S*H, fantastic in Kelly's Heroes, wonderful in The Dirty Dozen and his performance in Animal House was underrated.

I have always thrown the line, "Always with the negative waves Moriarty!" whenever someone is complaining about something.

Rest in peace, Oddball.

Time to toss some burgers on the grill and settle in to watch the Worcester Red Sox game.

You should check these out:

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