Saturday, June 22, 2024

The winning streak came to an end last night

The Red Sox lost to the Red slast night, getting beat 5-2 because they can't stop commiting freaking errors.

They commited 3 errors last night that definitely resulted in 2 unearned runs but more likely it was 3 unearned runs.

Todays game started at 4:10 and Pivetta had the start.

At 3:15 this afternoon, it started getting very dark and I checked the doppler radar. It showed a large red blob heading our way so I decided to see what the temperature drop was going to be.

I took this picture at 3:25, just before the storm arrived:

The storm was past us about 10 minutes later. I took this picture at 3:36:

A seven degree drop in eleven minutes.

Then I decided to take a look at the convective activity predictions and I found this little beauty:

Yay! There is a 5% chance we will see a tornado tomorrow!

Welcome to summer in New England...

And yes, I remembered to change the batteries in my outside temperature sensor.

Time to grill up some steaks and watch the rest of this baseball game.

Enjoy these links:

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