Saturday, June 1, 2024

Good win

The Red Sox beat the Tigers 7-3 last night.

Houck pitched well, facing 28 batters over 7 innings, giving up 1 earned run, walked 2 and struck out 6.

The batters did just as well, driving in those 7 earned runs over 12 hits.

Today they seem to be doing just as well.

Criswell started the game and made it through 5 innings, giving up only 1 run.

The game started at 4:10 and it is currently in the 8th inning. The score is 6-1 in favor of the Red Sox

In third world countries, judges are murdered by thugs, jurors are hunted down & executed by gangs and politicians & their families are assasinated by extremists and rivals.

It's beginning to look like Trump and his cult are trying to turn the United States into a third world country.

I'm going to watch the rest of this ball game.

Enjoy these links:

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