Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A bit warmer

I sent my youngest son yesterday's picture of my thermometer showing the temperature. He informs me that I have a "fancy thermometer" so that is what it will be called from now on.

Here's today's picture of the fancy thermometer:

And now that I look at it, I see I need to replace the battery in the outside sensor.

Donald "I'm a billionaire! Send me your money!" Trump has been replaced as my favorite spamer by "Medical Scientist Clint Winters!"

I wonder if he always spells his name with an exclamation point...

The Say Hey Kid has left us.

The man played baseball for 25 years, from 1948 until 1973, and he played it very, very well.

During the 1954 World Series, the Giants were playing the Indians and Mays made what is simply known as "The Catch".

To say that making an over-the-shoulder catch is difficult is an understatement. To say that making an over-the-shoulder catch while running at full speed towards a wall is impossible is accurate but Mays did it.

He did the impossible.

Speaking of baseball, the Red Sox took game two of their three-game series against the Blue Jays last night, beating them 4-3.

They are now two games out of the wild card which gives me hope.

Today's game is once again at 7:07 and Bello has the start. His last few outings have not been great but today's a new game. Hopefully he has figured things out and pitches like we all know he can.

Enjoy these links:

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