Sunday, June 2, 2024

Another win

The Red Sox beat the Tigers 6-3 yesterday, giving them a 2-1 lead in the series.

This afternoon's game didn't go as well...

The Red Sox had a 3-0 lead through the first four innings. The Tigers got a run in the fifth, another run in the sixth and then two runs in the seventh. This made the score 4-3 in favor of the Tigers.

In the eighth, Devers hit a home run, tying the game 4-4.

Then, in the tenth inning, Booser came in to pitch and the Tigers managed to put 4 runs on the board that the Red Sox were unable to overcome.

The game ended in the tenth with the Tigers winning 8-4 and splitting the series 2-2.

No baseball for the Red Sox tomorrow but on Tuesday, the Braves show up in Boston to start a quick 2-game series.

I wonder what was so hard about it. Was it listening to the porn actor talk about banging her husband or the constant "I'm Innocent!" rant's from her husband?

I'm not sure what I think of that woman but I do know that her husband, Donald "Grab 'em by the posse" Trump is an asshole who seems to regard women as objects for his amusement. I can't imagine what it's like to be her...

I'm going to watch the LPGA Women's US Open. Andrea Lee is making a run at Yuko Saso and it looks like she stands a good chance of overtaking and winning.

Enjoy these links:

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