Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Red Sox just can't catch a break.

During yesterdays loss to the White Sox, Devers came out in the middle of the game with some soreness in his knees. This is exactly what happened with O'Neill the other day.

Here's the problem - with all the other injuries they have, they only had four players in reserve on the bench. At some point, they rotated their two healthy bench guys in, with Cooper going in for Smith at first and Westbrook going in for Valdez at second. This meant the two players on the bench Devers and O'Neill, the two guys with the bad knees.

Thanks goodness no one got hurt in today's game...

Today's game did not look good for the Red Sox with the White Sox leading 4-3 up until the ninth inning. That was when the Red Sox bats came to life and they managed to tie the game 4-4, forcing it into extra innings.

Then, in the tenth, the Red Sox rattled off two quick runs, making the score 6-4.

Boozer came in in the tenth and he was able to stymie the White Sox bats. The game ended with the Red Sox winning 6-4.

Unfortunately, it also means the Red Sox split the series against a team they should have swept.

They are off tomorrow while they travel home to Boston. On Tuesday, they will start a three-game series against the Phillies.

Time for some clarifications:
  • There is no proof that the universe was once a single point that suddenly exploded in a "big bang". It is just as likely that the universe was an infinite sea of energy that was in equilibrium. Some bit of energy within that sea suddenly interacted with another bit of energy and that started a chain reaction resulting in matter being produced from the energy. No one knows for sure what happened at the beginning.

  • "Dark Energy" is not real. The term dark energy is used by scientists as a way to explain the unexplainable expansion of the universe. No one knows for sure what is causing the universe to expand.

  • The belief that time did not exist before the "big bang" could be true or it could be bullshit. No one knows for sure if there was time before there was matter.

  • Scientist that are working on solving the mysteries of the universe are a hell of a lot smarter than me and everything I just wrote is my opinion. I have no education in the area of astrophysics, physics or any other scienceee stuff.

This has been some clarification. Please ignore it.

NESN+ is running a Red Sox / Angels game from 2013 so maybe I'll watch that. Or maybe I'll watch some DVRs.

Enjoy these few links:

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