Monday, August 5, 2024

Back to four in the race

When I checked the MLB standings this morning, I found that we once again have four teams occupying the three wildcard slots.

This is because the Orioles and the New York Aaron Judges have the same record so apparently they occupy the same space.

The other day, the chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank, Jerome Powell, announced that they were keeping interest rates where they are.

When he made that announcment, I said, "Personally, I think they should just shut up and make changes based on a sound fiscal policy without any fanfare or announcements."

I said that because every time the Fed comes out and says stupid stuff, the market reacts poorly.

Well, guess what happened today...

Good job there Jerry. You just killed the financial stability of millions of people.

Just kidding. Don't panic everybody. All the markets are still up about 2½% for the year.
It's not a great return but it is still growth. Hopefully this is the only big dip, we see the market stabliize and, as is often the case in most fairy tales, we all live happily ever after.

I am not looking forward to this upcoming election. I can guarantee you that I will not be happy no matter who gets elected.

What I can guarantee you is that I will not miss the constant stream of bullshit being foisted on us by the media.

In no particular order, here is a list of things I don't care about:
  1. Who will Harris pick as her VP?
  2. What stupid thing did Vance say last night?
  3. What nasty thing did Trump say last night?
  4. What arrogant thing did Harris say last night?
  5. Will Jimmy Carter live long enough to vote for Harris?
  6. Which celebrity/athlete/politician has endorsed which candidate?
  7. Which union has endorsed which candidate?
  8. Which poll is saying that Harris/Trump as a 1% lead over Trump/Harris?

Tonight's baseball game starts at 8:10 and you can rest assured that I will make every effort to stay awake to watch as much of it as possible.

Here are some links:

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