Friday, August 23, 2024

Today was the day

Today was the day that Jerome "Help! I'm talking and I can't shut up!" Powell gave his little speech to a gathering of central bank leaders and, amazingly enough, the stock market did not drop. As a matter of fact, the DJIA closed up which I believe might be a one of the signs of the biblical apocalypse...

Basically, Powell said that it was time to cut interest rates.

Also, the Canadian government was able to convince the rail workers that it would be in their best interest to end their strike and go back to work while the rail companies & the unions arbitrated a new contract. That means goods and materials are once again flowing across our border.

I realize that you're probably asking what the Canadian rail lines have to do with American stock values but trust me, it does. Canada and the US are huge trade partners with each other. As a matter of fact, a lot of "American" cars come from Canada.

Oh, I'm sorry, did you think that Chevy "I only buy American-made cars!" Silverado was made in Detroit?

Both the Twins and the Royals won yesterday which means the Red Sox started today three and a half games out of the wildcard.

They start their series against the Diamondbacks this evening and Bello has the start.

As is always the case, I'm hoping he is on his game. He has a history of occasionally showing up and pitching like me. Trust me, I can't pitch.

Hell, I don't think I could even reach home plate anymore without bouncing it at least once. My baseball days are far behind me.

Enjoy these few links:

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